Friday 30 January 2015

Witches Inspiration

Here I am looking into modern witches because I want the 'witch-like' aspect of my Miss Havisham portrayal to translate to a modern audience. There are certain physical characteristics that people associate with witches and I think it would be really interesting and unique to incorporate some of these into my Miss Havisham design.

Snow White's Witch

Snow White's Witch, close-up
Snow White's Witch
As soon as I think of a witch, this is what a witch looks like in my head. To me, there are specific characteristics that make an old woman a witch; the first being a very long, pointy nose with a bump in it. I also always imagine a witch to be very old and wrinkly, with a hunched back. I really like how they have made her eyes really stand out, with the whole circle of the eye ball showing and with the eye sockets being really dark and bruised looking. I also think that her toothless mouth is really effective in making her look scary and ill. However my favourite part of Snow White's witch would have to be the hands! They are so boney and worn away look, they look like hawks feet. I really like how long the fingers and nails are because they look really creepy and almost like spiders legs. I would love to include my model's hands in my Miss Havisham portrayal as I think they could add so much character to the look. 

Hawks feet

Wizard of Oz, Wicked Witch

Wizard Of Oz, Wicked Witch
This is another typical witch look, with the long and pointed nose and pointed chin. I like that this witch is green because I think many children associate this with being a witch. I think it would be fun to experiment with maybe adding a hint of green to my Miss Havisham portrayal to show the inner witch inside her and to emphasise the fact that Pip sees her as a witch at some points. This could be a really interesting twist on my interpretation.

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