Monday 2 February 2015

Miss Havisham's Make-up: Facecharts

I wanted to use my knowledge of Victorian make-up so that I could create a look that I think Miss Havisham would have worn on her wedding day and how it would have disintegrated and smudged since then. I did a post called 'Victorian Beauty Ideals' where I talked about the makeup that they would have worn and it turns out they liked a very natural look.

I decided to do a face chart of what I think her makeup would have looked like on her wedding day so that I can get a better idea of what it would have looked like if she didn't touch it for so many years!
Miss Havisham's make-up on her wedding day.
Idea 1

In my first design I wanted to focus on how tired and old she is. The book says that she has an 'old ghastly bridal appearance' and that she had 'old restless fingers' which both suggest that she is old to I decided to emphasise her wrinkles on her forehead, under her eyes, round her lips etc. It says Miss Havisham has 'sunken eyes' and 'dark eyes' so I wanted to show this by adding some dark shadows under and around her eyes to show this. The book says she looks like a 'skeleton', that she has 'shrunk to skin and bone' and she had 'worn away', so I wanted to contour her face with a brown/grey colour to make her face look skinny and hollowed out. Miss Havisham says she had 'never seen the sun since' Pip was born and it says 'daylight never entered the house' which suggests that she would be very pale and 'ghostly' looking, I would therefore make her skin look paler than usual. It says that Miss Havisham is 'not physically strong' which suggests she is weak, but could also imply she is prone to infections and illness. This could mean that she had very dry and flaky skin and lips; I would portray this by using lots of powder and some duo glue. The book describes her as having a 'worn face' which suggests its been damaged. I therefore think that adding scarring to her face would work in showing that she had been injured, but that her body was not fit enough to heel the wounds properly. In the face chart below it shows that she has a scar on her lips and a couple around her face, but I could also show her with an open wound that hasn't quite heeled yet. 

Idea 1
Idea 2

This idea focuses on her very chapped and infected lips and also her tired eyes. I wanted to keep her skin very pale as she said she had 'never seen the sun since you were born' and therefore her face wouldn't have been able to tan for years. I also wanted to contour her face with a grey/brown colour to make her look skinnier and hollowed out as it describes her as 'worn away' and she she has 'shrunk to skin and bone'. I would not emphasise her eyebrows as I don't think she would have filled them in so I will just add a bit of grey to make her look slightly older, as my model has brown eyebrows. I will add a lot of darkness around her eyes as it says they were 'dark' and 'sunken' in. I may add some red to the waterline and along the lower lash line to make it look like she has been crying and to make her look more tried as it says she had a 'haggard face'. I decided that this look should focus around her dry, flakey lips because Miss Havisham is a very nervous and anxious character and I think her stress relief would have been biting and licking her lips. I therefore think they would have had flakes of skin hanging off and they would be bleeding in places where the skin had only just been ripped off. To make the lips look even worse I would add some yellow on one corner to make it look infected with pus and scabbing.

Idea 2

Idea 3 - My favourite!

This idea focuses on when Pip said that Miss Havisham 'looked like the witch of the place'. The book says that she has an 'old ghastly bridal appearance' and that she had 'old restless fingers' which both suggest that she is old, so I decided to emphasise her wrinkles on her forehead, under her eyes, round her lips etc., but making sure to make it look as natural as possible. It says Miss Havisham has 'sunken eyes' and 'dark eyes' so I wanted to show this by adding some dark shadows under and around her eyes. The book says she looks like a 'skeleton', that she has 'shrunk to skin and bone' and she had 'worn away', so I wanted to contour her face with a brown/grey colour to make her face look skinny and hollowed out. Miss Havisham says she had 'never seen the sun since' Pip was born and it says 'daylight never entered the house' which suggests that she would be very pale and 'ghostly' looking, I would therefore make her skin look paler than usual and slightly dry with use of powders. It says that Miss Havisham is 'not physically strong' which suggests she is weak, but could also imply she is prone to infections and illness. This could mean that she had very dry and flaky skin and lips; I would portray this by using lots of powder, some duo glue and some red supra colour. I may add some red to the waterline and along the lower lash line to make it look like she has been crying and to make her look more tried as it says she had a 'haggard face'. I decided to add some broken veins on her cheeks as this is common in older people. I also wanted to add some red around her nose as this is also very common and would make her skin look sore and irritated. The biggest difference in this look is that there is a wart on her face. I wanted to add a wart to show the 'witch' in her coming through. I would achieve this with either a prosthetic piece or by using some kind of wax. I would need to look into the size, shape and colouring of warts to make sure it was accurate. This is my favourite design out of all of them so I will practice this look and develop it on my model's face.

Idea 3

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