Wednesday 25 February 2015

My Final Miss Havisham Practise

This was the last time I was going to be able to practice on my model before the assessment so I timed myself and set everything out as if it were my really assessment. 

I am really happy with how the makeup turned out and I think it is shown in my face chart accurately, with the colouring and positioning of the products. I put more grey into the contour than I have done before and I really liked how much more intense and sculpting it was. In the assessment, I need to be really careful when blending out the edges of the flour mixture because when it isn't blended properly, it doesn't look as realistic. I pulled apart and picked at the flour once it had dried and I really like how uneven and flakey it looks. To improve, I will blend the edges of the red supra colour around the lips more, so that it looks like sore, irritated skin and not that she is wearing lipstick but has gone over the lines! I am happy with the colouring of the wart, however I think that if I use another colour that is slightly darker than the purple/brown colour, it will add more depth. I will put a thinner layer of flour onto the lips as I think that because it was so thick, the chunks just fell off the lips, especially the upper lip, leaving just the red supra colour underneath. 

I showed my design for the hair to my teacher and she suggested putting the hair into a higher bun so that it is seen over the veil, instead of it all being hidden. I think that the bun looks too neat in the two images below, so in my assessment I will pull some hair out and loosen it up a bit to give a more worn look. I was concerned that the underneath of the wig, near the neck, would look obviously fake; however she showed me how to properly secure the wig and wig cap onto the hair with hair pins and grips, by piercing the edge of the wig with a hair grip and then looping it under. She also showed me that to make it look more natural, I could leave hair around the neck out and colour them with white supra colour, as this would give a more natural looking hair line. It was very popular in the victorian era to plait the hair and then put it into a bun, so this is what I will be doing in my assessment. I sprayed the hair with dry shampoo, not to add colour, but to give the  hair a dusty effect.

Wart Continuity
I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to make the wart look exactly the same in the second assessment, as I make it from scratch with liquid latex and tissue paper. However in this practice I tried gently pulling the wart off her skin and seeing if it kept its shape, and it did! I will therefore make the wart in my first assessment and colour it with supra colour and then peel it off at the end and keep it safe so that I can use it in my continuity assessment. 

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