Friday 3 April 2015

Developing Quentin's Look

I first wanted to experiment with using liquid latex and cotton wool to create the burn. I had ordered the 3rd degree makeup but I still wanted to see how well the burn worked on the neck and after the chains were added. 

-Liquid latex
-Cotton wool
-Supra colour palette
-Small flat brush
-Blood paste
-Liquid blood
-Alka-Seltzer tablets
-Water spray

Step by step:
1. I first applied a layer of liquid latex over the area I wanted the burn to be. I applied the latex with a sponge.
2. I then spread out some cotton wool over the liquid latex to give the burn some texture.
3. I covered the cotton wool with more liquid latex to get rid of the fluffy texture and so seal the cotton wool down.

4. After I let the liquid latex dry completely, I started to pick holes into the latex with tweezers. I did this to give the burn more depth and texture. I found I have to be quite rough with this, especially where the cotton wool was.

5. I used my supra colour palette to colour my burn. I dabbed on some red supra colour with a sponge all over the burn, followed by patches of yellow supra colour.
6. I found that some of the white cotton wool was still showing through, so I used a small flat brush to go over those areas with some foundation colour.

7. I then wrapped the chains (these are not the ones I will be using in my final look) round the neck so that I'd know where the chains would be digging in. 

8. I added some blood paste, with a cotton bud, to any of the areas where the chains were touching the skin. 

9. I then asked my model to lie down and I sprinkled the crushed up Alka-Seltzer tablets all over the wound.
10. I then sprayed water all over the wound to make the burn fizz. 

11. I then asked my model to sit up to see how it'd look, for example, if the blood would drip down too far etc.

If I'm honest, I'm not completely happy with how this turned out. I don't think it looks very realistic because the chains look like they are just sitting on the skin, instead of sinking into the skin, which is what would happen if the chains were melting the skin. I will therefore use the 3rd degree makeup and push the chains into the mixture before it dries so that it looks more like the chains are sinking into the skin. I am also not completely happy with how the fizzing is working. It seems to fizz as soon as I put the water on the tablet, but it only fizzes a little bit and for a very short period. The tablets that I used were very old so this may be effecting their performance. I will therefore buy some new ones and also get some different makes to see which work the best. 

Face Makeup

I wanted to experiment with the makeup look by trying to recreate the makeup look on the face chart I created. The model that I was planning on using said he was now unavailable, so I had to find a new model. My original model did not have facial hair, so I had to make adjustments so that the same makeup look would work on my new model. 

-Foundation palette
-White skin base
-Matte primer

Step by step:
1. I first applied a matte primer all over the face so that no oil would shine through under the foundation.
2. I then created a mixture of foundation in colour Fair Olive, white skin base and matte primer. I added the matte primer to make the foundation slightly less pigmented and therefore more natural. 
3. I applied the foundation mix very lightly all over the face and lips with a stippling brush, making sure to blend it well around the facial hair. 
4. I made sure to blend it all round the eyes and lightly over the eye bags. I used a small blending brush to do this. 
5. I then powdered the whole face very well using a big fluffy brush and loose translucent powder. 
6. I contoured the cheeks and temples with a grey eye shadow and fluffy brush to give the face some shape, but still keep the cool tones.
7. I then used some wine coloured eye shadow and applied it softly along the lower lash line with a small flash brush.
8. I added a small amount of the blood paste to the centre of his lips and blended it out to make it look very natural, as if he has bee biting the inner parts of his lips.
9. I then took some fake blood on a cotton bud and tried to drip it down his cheek. 

Final look.
Note: If I were doing this for my assessment, I would have used the light coloured foundation all over his neck and chest before applying the burn, however I just focused on the face makeup in this practice as I had already done the burn. 

I am happy with how naturally pale the skin looks, however I think it would look effective if I made the skin even more pale, by adding more white skin base to the foundation mixture. His under eyes look slightly dark, as if he has got bags, but I quite like that because I think it would look more unnatural if his skin was completely flawless. I think I should make the contour stronger to make him look slightly more gaunt, which I think would make him look more vulnerable. I will still use a grey colour for this so that I don't give him any warm contour tones. I really like the wine coloured eye shadow along his lower lash line as I think it makes his eyes look almost blood shot and painful. I think his eyebrows could look a bit neater because they are such a prominent feature of his look. I think because they look so messy, they are quite distracting and therefore take attention from the other aspects of the look. I will therefore neaten them up by plucking some hairs, cutting some hairs and also brushing them through before my next practice. I am not happy with the bloody tear; I don't think it looks realistic enough. I don't like the fact that the tear comes above the tear duct as this would not happen and I don't think the tear would have naturally fallen towards his nose, I think it would have fallen slightly to the right because of the ridge of his nose. I think I should possibly add some water to the blood to make it more runny as I felt the tear didn't run down the face very easily. I will also experiment with using a pipette to make it easier to drop the blood tear exactly where I want it. 

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