Friday 24 April 2015

Project Evaluation

I found that I had more artistic licence in this project in comparison to the first half of the term, however I liked the challenge of having to make the characters fit into a certain TV series. I enjoyed learning more fun makeup techniques, such as wounds and burns, and I also enjoyed looking into different techniques by myself, such as scarring, as I expanded my knowledge of simple prosthetics. My model I had originally chosen for Claudia looked too cute and innocent and so I chose my final model because of her very defined jaw line and big, round eyes as I thought she looked more independent and strong. I was concerned that the combination of the lips and eyes would look too messy, however I toned them both down so that they complemented each other well. I wanted Claudia’s image to be a combination of horror films that she would have been watching and so I combined aspects of Annabelle from The Conjuring and the female (she has no name) from Under The Skin, as well as features that I thought would represent her character, to come up with a design concept and I am really happy with the outcome. I wanted Quentin to have aspects of what the vampires in True Blood had so that the audience could recognise him as a vampire, like the blood tears, but I also wanted to give him red contacts, a feature that Claudia may have seen in another vampire horror film, to make him more unique. I found creating the burn challenging, however I tried different techniques and looked up real acid burns until I was happy with the outcome. 

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