Tuesday 14 April 2015

Practising Quentin's Look and his Final Face Chart


One of the improvements I wanted to make on the last practise was his eyebrows. I thought they looked very messy and over grown and therefore distracted from the rest of the makeup look. I decided to pluck and trim my model's eyebrows to make them look slightly neater. I didn't want them to look too plucked as I still wanted them to look natural. Below are the before and after images. I am really happy with how the eyebrows turned out as I think they still loo very natural, but are a lot less messy.

Quentin's Hair and Makeup

-Foundation in Fair Olive
-White skin base
-Stippling brush
-Flat brush
-Big fluffy brush
-Loose translucent powder
-Grey eyeshadow
-Blush brush
-Wine coloured eyeshadow
-Small flat brush
-Blood paste
-Cotton bud
-Hair gel
-3rd Degree makeup
-Silver chains
-Supra colour palette
-Orange stippling sponge
-Effervescent health salts
-Water in a spray bottle
-Fake liquid blood
-Fangs kit
-Red eye contacts

Step by step:
1. I first applied a mixture of foundation in the shade 'fair olive' and the white skin base with a stippling brush all over the face. I made sure not to use too much product as I wanted the skin to look as natural as possible. I also made sure to blend it down the neck and over the ears.
2. I next took some more of the same mixture and applied it under the eyes and on the eyelids with a flat brush.
3. I then powdered the whole face and neck with a big fluffy brush and some loose translucent powder.
4. I used some grey eye shadow from my eye shadow palette and a blush brush to contour under the cheek bones, on the temples and either side of the nose.
5. I blended some wine coloured eye shadow along the lower lash line of both eyes with a small flat brush.
6. I applied a small amount of the blood paste to the centre of the top and bottom lip and asked my model to rub his lips together.
7. I brushed some gel through the sides of his hair, sweeping it backwards.
8. I then added some gel to the top section of his hair to make it sweep to one side. I wanted to keep his hair looking natural so I didn't flatten his hair down too much.
9. I mixed some 3rd degree makeup together to make a gooey mixture and I then smeared it all over the area where I wanted to burn with a spatular. I made sure to blend the edges of the mixture with a spatula out so that it blended in with the skin.
10. When the 3rd degree makeup was still setting, I wrapped the silver chains around my model's neck, making sure that the chains sunk into the makeup so that it looked like it was burning the skin.
11. After the 3rd degree makeup set and hardened, I applied some red supra colour with a flat brush all over to give an overall colour.
12. I then blended the edges with more red supra colour and an orange stippling brush.
13. I then remembered that the supra colour would stick to the 3rd degree makeup better if I had powdered it first, so I added some translucent powder over the top.
14. I then went back over the burn with some red supra colour to intensify the colouring.
15. I added some depth with some dark brown/red supra colour mixture and added it to any parts of the burn that went in.
16. I used the blood paste to add to any of the parts where the chains actually made contact with the skin.
17. I sprinkled some Effervescent health salts on the burn.
18. I sprayed some water over the salts so that the salts fizzed and made it look like the burn was having an acid reaction.
19. Once the burn stopped fizzing, it had a very wet look, as you can see by the images below.
20. I used a pipette to drop some fake blood against his tear duct to fall down his face.
21. I then applied the fangs by melting the fang adhesive in some boiling water, pushing it into the fangs, pressing them on his teeth and then taking them out to harden. 
22. I then applied the red eye contacts in both eyes.

Below I experimented with different ways my model could pose with the fangs in to make them look as good as possible. 

 I was not very impressed with how the fangs were looking because I thought they looked very chunky and they were a different colour to his natural teeth. I thought that they looked too big for my model's face. My favourite image out of the images with the fangs in above, would have to be the image where his mouth is closed but you can still see the fullness of the fangs underneath. Below is an image without my model wearing any fangs and I think that his mouth shape looks more natural and less like he is pouting slightly. I think in my final image I will not use fangs as I think the look is busy enough, with the blood tear, red eye contacts and the burn, and I don't want the look to end up look messy.

My Final Look

I am so happy with the overall look! I didn't make the burn go all around the neck because I would have run out of the 3rd degree makeup and I needed it for the final shoot. I am so much happier with the burn using this 3rd degree makeup than I was when I just used liquid latex. I found that when I used the liquid latex, the chains just sat on top, whereas I was able to push the silver chains into the 3rd degree makeup, making it look like the chains were burning and melting the skin. I therefore think that the 3rd degree makeup makes the burn look a lot more realistic. I am also really happy with the colouring of the burn and how it looks very wet. I like how thick and gooey the 3rd degree makeup looks around the silver chains as it looks very painful and raw. I might add some more black supra colour around some of the chains to give the burn more depth and to add a dirtier look, however I without adding the black colour, I am still really happy with the outcome. I found that when I sprayed the burn it fizzed more effectively than in my previous trail, however the fizzing still didn't last for very long. I will therefore try and get an assistant to spray the water on the burn just before I take the photos so that I can try and get the fizzing in the image. However I still really like how the burn looks after the fizzing has stopped, so I will continue to take photos after the fizzing has stopped.

I brought the pale base colour all the way down the neck so that the face and neck were the same colour and I am so happy with how natural it looks! I didn't want it to look like he was wearing foundation because I doubt the male vampires would wear full on foundation on an everyday basis, so I only used a very small amount and made sure to blend it in really well. I really like the grey contouring around his cheek bones and temples because it makes him look more gaunt and hollowed out, and therefore weaker. I also like that it is grey as it doesn't add any warm colours to him. I really like how the wine coloured eye shadow along the lower lash line, together with the red eye contacts, makes him look very blood thirsty and it makes his eyes look very raw and sore. I really like how the red tear will make it clear to the audience that Quentin is a vampire as this is a feature that all vampires in True Blood have. I think that the tear looked more effective and realistic when it was dripping down the cheek instead of after it has settles, so I will try and add the blood tear just before taking the photos.

I am really happy with how laid back and natural the hair looks because the vampires in True Blood do tend to try to look like a normal human being as they are trying to mix in with them and so I don't think Quentin would have a very dramatic hair style. I was considering giving him a very gelled back look, however I don't think that would have fitted in with the timing of the tv series. I am really happy with how the overall look turned out and I can't wait to add the styling to the look and do the photo shoot!

I have created a new face chart to show what my final makeup for Quentin is and I will use this when creating my final look.

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