Saturday 18 April 2015

Quentin: Final Shoot Images and Evaluation

I am so excited with how my final images look! They are exactly what I had envisioned! I love how all the red in the makeup really ties everything together. I really like how I pushed the chains into the 3rd degree makeup because it looked like the chains were melting into the skin. I really like how I added some black supra colour to the sections where the chains were digging into the skin because it gives the burn more depth and it also made it look like the metal was reacting with the skin when burning. I am really happy with the colouring of the burn and how thick and gooey the 3rd degree makeup looks around the silver chains as it looks very painful and raw. When I looked at the burn more closely, I noticed that some of the 3rd degree makeup hadn't been blended into the skin as well as I would have liked because some of the edges are quite obvious and harsh; if I were to do this look again, I would focus more on making sure the edges were very smooth and seamless. I still found that when I sprayed the water over the salts it didn't create much fizz, however I really like how wet the burn looked after the water had been sprayed on it and I thought it made the burn look more realistic.

I brought the pale base colour all the way down the neck so that the face and neck were the same colour and I am so happy with how natural it looks! I didn't want it to look like he was wearing foundation because the vampires in True Blood didn't look like they were obviously wearing makeup, but I did want to even out his skin and make him look a lot more pale, I therefore only used a small amount and blended it into the skin very well. I really like the grey contouring around his cheek bones and temples because it makes him look more gaunt and hollowed out, and therefore weaker and more vulnerable to Claudia's power over him. I also like that it is grey as it doesn't add any warm colours to him. I really like how the wine coloured eye shadow along the lower lash line, together with the red eye contacts, makes him look very blood thirsty and it makes his eyes look very raw and sore. I really like how the red tear makes it clear to the audience that Quentin is a vampire as this is a feature that all vampires in True Blood have; however I don't think I would have added this feature to the makeup look if I hadn't seen the blood tears on some of the characters because, as first, it did look quite solid and painted on.

I am really happy with how laid back and natural the hair looks because the vampires in True Blood do tend to try to look like a normal human being as they are trying to mix in with them and so I don't think Quentin would have a very dramatic hair style. I think the black T-shirt worked really well because it is very plain and doesn't distract from the makeup. I originally wanted Quentin to wear a leather jacket, however I found this looked too heavy and covered some of the burn, so I opted against it. I am really happy with how the overall look turned out and I can't wait to add the styling to the look and do the photo shoot!

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