Wednesday 1 April 2015

Experimenting with Claudia's Scars

After doing research on YouTube I found this video, below, of how to create a realistic looking scar and I loved how it looked! I was really excited at how it created a 3 dimensional look, making it look very effective and real. The girl used rigid collodium to create this look and below I will show you how my experiments with this went.

-Small angled brush
-Red supra colour
-Rigid collodium
-Foundation colour
-Small flat brush

Step by step:
1. I first mapped out where I wanted the scar to be with a small angled brush and some red supra colour.
2. I then made it as thick as I wanted it to be.
3. I then applied the liquid collodium, with the brush applicator it comes with, along the red line.
4. I let the first layer dry and then applied another coat.
5. I added more and more coats until I was happy with the depth of the scar.
6. I then took some foundation on a small flat brush and lightly covered the scar.
7. I smudged and blended the foundation out with my finger to give it a more natural look.

I am so excited with how this came out! I love how the indentation in the skin makes it look so realistic and I think the colouring, with the red supra colour and foundation, looks very natural too. I would love to experiment with adding loads of layers to see how deep I could make the scar and I also need to experiment with using this product around the eyes, as in my Claudia design there are scars going across her eyes.

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