Saturday 14 March 2015

Project Evaluation

I really enjoyed this project because I loved the challenge of making characters from the novel Great Expectations come alive visually. In our previous project we had a lot of artistic freedom, and although I did really enjoy that freedom, I was excited to make my characters as true to the original book as possible and I am really happy with my final outcomes! Most students used young models to create Miss Havisham, however, because I was trying to make my portrayal very realistic and film appropriate, I decided to use an older model as I think that using a younger model would have been more suitable for theatre as the makeup would need to be more obvious. My model for Miss Havisham had a very short, modern cut and so I had to use a wig to give her the long, messy look I was after. I looked into many portrayals of her and obviously what the book was saying about her, but I also looked into some of the conditions/characteristics Miss Havisham may have had, e.g. skin ageing and lack of sunlight, so that I could portray them in a realistic way. I really enjoyed learning new makeup techniques, from skin ageing to burns as it really widened my knowledge and opened up many options to use for my characters. I wanted my Estella interpretation to have very simple and fresh makeup and then with more detailed and pretty hair, however my model had very thin and relatively short hair so I had to curl the hair in very small sections to make it seem fuller. I made sure that I practised both characters many times before the final shoots so that I was confident with them and to make sure my models were happy with everything.  

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