Friday 20 March 2015

Who is Claudia dressing up as?

In Claudia's character profile it states that 'she models herself on a variety of girls often twisting her look to suit whichever film she is watching at the time and there is often a nod to the main character in the current film within her appearance.' I therefore wanted to look into some films that had recently come out in the 21st century and choose one that she could have been watching at that time. I will then incorporate parts of the character's appearance into Claudia's, as if Claudia has decided to dress up as a chosen character. 

I have chosen The Conjuring as the film that will inspire Claudia's look as it came out recently and I think Annabelle the doll has a very distant look and so the audience watching True Blood are more likely to recognise what character Claudia is trying to dress up as. When I look at Annabelle, I firstly notice her very big, dark eyes, her rosy cheeks and her two plaits. I can't imagine that Claudia would have completely dressed up as the characters she was watching but just adapted her look slightly. I will therefore just take a couple aspects of her look and portray them into my creation of Claudia. I will give Claudia two plaits with ribbons on the end as I think this is one of the main features of Annabelle's look that defines her and then I will experiment with adding an aspect of her makeup look as well when I design my face charts.

Annabelle the doll.
Annabelle the doll.

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