Tuesday 31 March 2015

Quentin's burns

I wanted to have a look at some YouTube videos before I started creating my own burn to get inspiration and maybe find some new techniques. I was so excited to find the video below because I learned how to make my burn fizz! The girl used tablets that fizz in water and crushed them up, sprinkled them over the burn and then sprayed water over the top to create a beautifully disgusting fizzing/bubbling effect. Below shows how I got on when I experimented with this new technique!

-Liquid latex
-Cotton wool
-Supra colour palette
-Small flat brush
-Blood paste
-Liquid blood
-Alka-Seltzer tablets
-Water spray

Step by step:
1. I first applied a layer of liquid latex over the area I wanted the burn to be. I applied the latex with a sponge.
2. I then spread out some cotton wool over the liquid latex to give the burn some texture.
3. I covered the cotton wool with more liquid latex to get rid of the fluffy texture and so seal the cotton wool down.

4. After I let the liquid latex dry completely, I started to pick holes into the latex with tweezers. I did this to give the burn more depth and texture. I found I have to be quite rough with this, especially where the cotton wool was.
5. I used my supra colour palette to colour my burn. I dabbed on some red supra colour with a sponge all over the burn, followed by patches of yellow supra colour.
6. I found that some of the white cotton wool was still showing through, so I used a small flat brush to go over those areas with some foundation colour.
7. I mixed some of the supra colours together to create this brown colour and I used a small flat brush to add it to any of the holes or dents in the burn. I used this colour to give the burn some more depth.
8. I used a cotton bud to apply some blood paste into the holes in the liquid latex.
9. I used a sponge to dread some blood paste round the outside of the burn to blend it into the rest of the surrounding skin. 
10. I then took some fake liquid blood on a cotton bud and dripped it into the holes to give a more wet look.
11. I then used my sponge to blend all the blood into the burn.
12. I spread some vaseline all over the dry patches of the burn, with a cotton bud, to use as an adhesive for the powder going on top.
13. I put some Alka-Seltzer tablets in a plastic bag and crushed them with a rolling pin to create a powder.
14. I then sprinkled this powder all over the burn.
15. I then flicked some water onto the burn with my fingers (because I didn't have anything to spray water from) to make the powder fizz.
Finished burn.
I am really happy with the outcome of the burn. The fizzing of the powder didn't work as well as I'd hoped, but I think this was because I didn't have a water spray so I just had to use my fingers to flick water. I will therefore buy a water spray to see if this works any better. I really like that the edges blend in with the surrounding skin as it makes it look more realistic. I really like how there is so much texture and depth to the burn. I like that I added the brown colour to give the burn further depth. I like that the water gives the burn a wet look as I think this kind of acid burn would be very wet and gooey. 

I think that a different material would work to better to create this burn. In one of my practical lessons, we learned how to create burns with gelatine and I was really happy with how effective and realistic they looked. I think I will purchase this product and experiment with it to see if I can get even better results!

I noticed that when the liquid latex started to dry around the wrist area, it started to go yellow. I am not 100% sure what the cause of this was, but I think it was because she had applied perfume on that area before I applied the latex so I think there was some sort of reaction that made the latex go yellow. This has taught me to always make sure the area I am working on is completely clean and clear of any other chemicals. 

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