Thursday 5 March 2015

My Miss Havisham Assessment

I am really happy with how this look came out! I think that the grey wig looked believably old and dusty. I am so happy that I chose to work with a grey wig because then I didn't have to worry about colouring the hair and it looking unnatural. I am also really happy I chose to use a wig because then when it came to the continuity part, I could just reuse the already styled wig, making it exactly the same as it was before! I think that the dry skin on the face and neck looks really realistic and sore looking, which is exactly the look I was going for. I really like how I continued the very pale and sickly colouring of the skin all the way down to wear her dress started because then it looks most natural. I think the contouring on the face and especially on the chest area worked really well in making the model look skinnier and more sunken in. I am really happy with how well the eyebrow colouring matched the wig, by mixing in a bit of yellow with some white. I think that the colouring around the eyes looks very realistic and not too overdone, however I think that I would have toned down the bright colours and maybe added more grey if I were to do this again. I am so pleased with how the styling turned out! I think the veil and dress both look worn out and old, with the yellow staining and rips and holes in the material. I am also really happy with the necklace because I think it looks very victorian inspired, and I think it looks old because I dabbed some foundation over the top which looked like dust or grime. I really like that the necklace isn't perfectly straight and that one side of the hair is longer than the other because it adds to the dishevelled look. I found that the wart looked a lot darker in person and that the flash took away some of the darker colouring, this is something I will have to keep in mind in future shoots, however I am happy with how it came out and the texture it had and I think it looks realistic enough. 

I am looking forward to the challenge of making my recreation of this look as similar as possible. Because I used a wig, I was able to take the wig off my model and put it on a wig stand. This makes continuity easier because the hairstyle will already be done for me; however, I will just have to be very careful when putting the wig on my model and taking it off the wig stand because I don't want anything to move or fall out. I will also have to make sure that the wig is positioned in exactly the same place as it was before.

I carefully peeled the wart off my model's face so that I could use it again in my continuity assessment. I will keep it in a safe place and try not to smudge it or change it's shape in any way. I will stick it back onto the face with a thin layer of liquid latex before and also on top to seal it in place. I will then go back and see if any of the colouring on the wart needs emphasising.

I will take close-up images of the Miss Havisham look I did in the previous assessment into this assessment so that I can make sure that everything is in the right place and that the colouring is as close as I can get it. I am going to have to take extra care when positioning the dry skin and red patches as these are big elements to the look. I will also have to make sure I position the wart and the splits in the lip in the same place as these are other elements that could be easily stopped. I will practise the look before I go into the exam and compare it with the first assessment to see what I need to improve on. 

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