Tuesday 31 March 2015

Quentin Face Charts

After looking into the vampires in True Blood and exploring my chosen key word, I decided to create some face charts of my ideas for what I want Quentin's makeup to look like.

Idea 1
I decided to make the skin very pale and I will make sure it is completely even and heavily powdered to make sure it looks very matte and almost dry looking. I will contour the face slightly under the cheek bones and on the temples to add some definition as I don't want the face to look flat. Depending on my model, I will either fill the eyebrows in very slightly or I will leave them completely bare. I will add some wine coloured eyeshadow under the eyes to make them look sore; I will also add some black very close to the lash line to give the eyes more definition. I will add some fake blood in the tear duct and let it fall down the face slightly to look like tears. I will add some red in the very centre of the lips, but fade the colour out to a very light colour. I will add some fangs to give an obvious vampire look to him. I will wrap some silver chains around the neck and add some liquid latex, wax or old age stipple with blood to make it look painful and bloody. I really like this look and will definitely consider it when picking my final makeup look.

Idea 2
I decided to keep the skin very pale and matte looking and I wanted to give him a stronger contour to bring out his bone structure. I didn't want to add any product to the eyebrows because I wanted them to look very natural and fair. I wanted to add some wine coloured eye shadow along the lower lash line to make her eyes look bloody and sore. I kept the lips very pale and natural looking, as if all the blood had been sucked out of them. I wanted the still include fangs as I wanted the audience to recognise that he was a vampire. I decided to add red eye contacts to this look as I thought they would make him look more fierce, intimidating and supernatural and I chose red to represent that vampire are also looking for fresh blood. I added silver chains round the neck to show how Claudia was restraining him and I will add fake blood and other products to make it look like the silver it melting/burning his skin.

Idea 3
I wanted the skin to be very pale and matte looking, with a lot of powder used. I decided on a grey toned bronzer as I thought a brown bronzer would have given too much warm colouring to the complexion. I decided on filling the eye brows in very slightly to give them more definition. I added some wine coloured eye shadow along the lower lash line to give a bloody and sore look. I added some red lipstick to the very centre of the lips, as if he had just sucked someone's blood, and faded the colour out to nothing on the edges of the lips. I added some chains round his neck and also some chains pulled across the centre of his face to show how Claudia was restraining him. I will add some fake blood and other products to make it look like the silver chains are melting/burning his skin. I really like how the chains on his face look and I think it would be more shocking to the audience as the face is so delicate and such a focus point.

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