Thursday 12 March 2015

Comparing My Miss Havisham Images

I am so happy with how similar the original and continuity images look! Unfortunately the lighting was slightly different, however you can still see how similar they looked. The skin colour is very pale and slightly pink toned in both and the contour on the chest is almost identical. I am happy with how both the eye makeups show many different tones, including purples, greens, yellows and reds, and I think that the positioning of all the colours is very accurate; however I think that I could have used slightly more red on the inner lower lash line, as in the original image it looks more intense. I am happy with the eyebrow colouring and shape; they look slightly darker in the continuity image, but I think this is because the lighting was darker. I am really happy with how similar the dry skin looks and how the amount of red in the dry skin matches almost perfectly! I used the same wart in both these images as I knew if would be difficult to make another wart that was exactly the same; however because I added more liquid latex underneath the wart, it looks like it is slightly bigger and more elevated in the continuity image. I also think I coloured it slightly darker in the continuity image, but again that may be due to the darker lighting. I am so happy with the placement of the cuts in the lip as I think they are very similar to the original; however the cuts don't look like they stand out as much because the lips are slightly darker. To resolve this I should have either added more red to the cuts, or preferably made the lips slightly paler to match the original colouring. Unfortunately you are unable to see the rash on the side of her neck on the continuity images because of the lighting, but you are able to see that the colouring and positing is very similar for the rash on the chest in both. To make it perfect, I would have brought the rash slightly further down and to the left to match up perfectly with the original.
Original Images
Continuity Image
I noticed that the necklace was slightly wonky in the original image so I tried to replicate that in my continuity image; however I think I over did it slightly, as the necklace looks a lot more crooked in the second image. I am so happy with how the dress came out in both images because I think it looks almost identical in both images! 
Original Image

Continuity Image
I think the fringe looks almost identical, especially the hair coming down to the left, as all the hair is going in the same direction and even the body of the hair on the left looks the same, with all the flicks and curls in the right places. I think that the parting looks slightly tidier in the original image, with the hair pushed slightly further apart and with less flyways. The right side of the fringe looks like it has been pulled further forwards in the continuity image because the hair is coming further down the face; however the placement of the hair, other than that, looks very similar. I think the hair running down the right side look almost identical, however the hair on the left looks longer in the continuity image and the flicks aren't quite going in the same direction. The flowers on the head look very similar in both sets of images, with all the flowers going in the same direction and with them placed on the same part of the head. 
I think the images of the hair from the back look like they could have been taken on the same day, but just with different lighting. The flowers and leaves are all placed almost exactly like in the original image; however the leaf on the right looks like it was pulled down slightly more in the original. The hair in the bun looks like it was placed in the same place, looking at the outline of it; however, because of the lighting, the hair placement looks more exaggerated in the continuity image. The rip in the veil is in almost exactly the same place and the necklace at the back was positioned, what looks like. perfectly. I did the zip up to the same place as in the original photo, just to finish the continuity look off. 
The fringe and long hair, from the side view images, look almost exactly the same, with all the curls and flicks and the length of the hair looking the same. The flowers, from the side view, look like they are in different positions; however the overall look of the flower crown looks roughly the same. The buns look like they are positioned at the same height, with the flower crown going underneath. The veil looks slightly fuller in the continuity image as there is less negative space between the veil and neck; however this could be easily resolved if this look were to be used in a film or TV set. 
Original Image
Continuity Image

Original Image
Continuity Image

Overall I am really happy with how similar the original images and continuity images look!

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