Friday 6 March 2015

The Importance on Continuity

The definition of continuity is: The unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over time.

Continuity is a common struggle in TV shows and films when, for example, the same scene is being shot over a couple of days and the characters need to look exactly the same as where the last scene was cut. Continuity is so important because if it is wrong then it will become more apparent to the viewers that it is, intact, not real. Continuity errors happen in even the most famous TV shows and films and I have found some examples of when the continuity has gone wrong in some of these, below. 

In the TV series, Friends, the number on the same door changed half way through the series without telling the viewers anything about it.


In the final scene of the film The Avengers, Steve is shown to have a big cut on his chest, but in a few clips later, he is seen to be wound free, even though the same dust and dirt is all over him.


In Twilight, Jacob is seen with a tattoo on his shoulder, but in another scene his tattoo is further down..



At the end of the film, Bella is seen wearing boots with a heel, but later in the same scene she is seen fighting with regular boots with no heel. 

In my next assessment I will need to recreate the Miss Havisham look I created in my first assessment and I will need to make both the looks as similar as possible. This is a great lesson to learn as Miss Havisham might have been in a scene where they shoot different parts of the scene on different days and this would have meant that she would have had to look exactly the same in both. I am excited to challenge myself with this task. 


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