Monday 2 March 2015

Estella: Make-Up Practise

I wanted to practise my chosen Estella makeup look on myself before trying it out on the model so that I could decide on what products I wanted to use and what brushed I thought would work best. I made sure to refer back to my face chart when practising this look. 

My Chosen Makeup Design
I decided that I wanted the foundation colour to be a mix of mainly foundation colour Alabaster and the white skin base and then with a hint of foundation colours FS38 and G177 to give it a more neutral tone. I first tried applying the base with a flat foundation brush and then buffing it in with a big fluffy brush, however I found that applying the foundation with a foundation brush was an unnecessary step and I found that the fluffy brush malted all over the face, so I decided to use my Real Techniques buffing brush to apply and buff the product in. I used the same base colour for under the eyes as I can't imagine there was much knowledge of highlighting and contouring with makeup in the victorian era; I used a smaller fluffy brush to apply this.

I set the makeup with a big fluffy brush and some pressed translucent powder. I wanted the powder to be translucent as I was really happy with the colour of the base and didn't want the powder to change that, I just wanted it to set the makeup and give it a more matte finish. I applied the same powder under the eyes using a smaller brush. I applied some rosy pink blush with a blush brush, focusing on the apples of the cheeks. I used the blush colour 'To' to do this.

I used a small angled brush to apply the lip product as I found it was the easiest brush to use for precision, to keep the lines sharp and clean. I brushed through the eyebrows as there was excess product in them, making them look messy. I chose to use Hoola bronzer by Benefit as the light brown shade to go round the eyes as I thought it looked very natural and wasn't too dark or too orangey. I put this on the lid as well as in the crease because I thought that it looked too modern with it just in the crease.

Close-up of the makeup look.
I am really happy with this makeup look as I think it looks very natural and accurate to the era. 

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